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Thin White Line: Transformation Design


During this project, my team explored the current culture and tensions surrounding the attempt of cyclists and motorists to share limited road space, which was only just then expanding to include basic biking infrastructure. 

We performed extensive user and stakeholder research to determine underlying issues that aren't immediately apparent. We found that there is a general lack of understanding on both sides (cyclists and motorists) of the new infrastructure, navigation and laws. 

In order to bridge this knowledge gap and promote empathy between the two main parties, we designed a campaign with a central traveling exhibit and portable versions to be used in various educational settings. The exhibit combines educational messaging, practical information and interactive games and events. Our community partner, a local biking organization, is currently using this program in their continuing efforts to make biking safer in and around Indianapolis. 



Pro-Ex Performance Group UX/UI

CFI: Organization & Brand Strategy

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